Finals week is just around the corner, and students and teachers are anxious for the semester to end and Christmas to start.

During finals week the Student Government Association is having a Coffee, Cocoa and Candy Canes to help students relax. The event will be in the library so students have easy access while studying. It will be going on from 6 p.m. to midnight.

The coffee, cocoa (hot chocolate) and candy canes are all free and provided by the SGA. The purpose of the event is to help students relax during their finals week and get ready for the Christmas season. SGA also thought this was a good way to wish everyone good luck during finals week.

SGA vice president, Don Holly, said “This event in particular is to relieve some of the finals week stress that’s put on our fellow students.”

Although no college student needs prompting to take advantage of free anything or caffeine, here a reason coffee in moderation can help students study. According to, researchers found that giving people a little bit of caffeine after they memorized a series of pictures significantly boosted their ability to remember the details of the pictures. said the key is to have the caffeine after the memorizing.

“We all know that finals week can be really stressful,” Holly said. “Studies have shown the dangers of having too much stress in one’s life, so we have put forth this sort of ‘relaxation station’ in the library where most will be doing their studying.”

SGA is here to help students relax, memorize and conquer their finals.