
Much like Nilsson says, one is the loneliest number, especially when surrounded by people.

When I first arrived at college, I did not expect to make many friends right off the bat. Yet, to my surprise (and my family’s), I made friends quite easily within the first month of the semester.

Even though I do have friends on campus, I still find myself feeling isolated and lonely. I spend hours in my room, my only companion being my laptop and Markiplier’s screams of manly terror. I’ve watched so many meme/Vine compilations in the past five months they have become almost like a second language to me.

I lay in bed at night staring into the semi-darkness of my room, the only sounds I hear are from a nearby room watching Ella Enchanted. Queen never bothered me so much as it does at 12:30 in the A.M.

My teddy bear and triceratops named Wolf quietly converse in the corner of my bunk. They are apparently much more well-versed in politics than me (I think they use my computer when I’m in class). My mind does not quiet.

I wish for a friend, in these hours between wishing for sleep and not being able to sleep. Someone to lay next to and listen to them exist. I miss my mother. I miss my cats at home. I miss the voluntary gifting of affection from something other than a blanket.

One is the loneliest number, especially in a crowd. So, here’s a figurative toast to all the lonely people out there. You are not alone…except you are. But hey, you’re not alone.