By JORDAN MCLEMORE, Student Writer

Something has been going on lately. I’m not sure if you guys know…. social media is ruining our lives. When was the last time you got to a place early and actually talked to the people waiting with you and didn’t scroll through your phone?

Social media makes almost any situation worse. When people have a problem with someone these days, they tweet about it or post a long Facebook rant. Even worse, they post a series of Snapchat videos being extremely shady. They don’t sit down with that person and tell them what’s wrong. Most people don’t have the guts to do that and this destroys relationships. People feel superior to others when they can bash them on social media. We, as college students, have to remember that whatever we post today, is going to be around forever, for all future employers to look up.

Something else that has been going on is the whole election mumbo-jumbo. People are more divided than ever before about the results but do they think they can actually change anything by getting into fights with people about it? What happened to just talking about people?! Users on social media platforms think the best way to resolve any problem is to rant their opinion.

Now, I’m not sure about you guys, but it makes me really happy to scroll through Facebook and between a yummy recipe video and a picture of a cute puppy, there’s a long post about someone and how unhappy they are that their friend has opinions of their own, probably attached to a video of Tomi yelling what she thinks.

People. Please grow up and realize that no matter what your opinion is, we don’t want to hear about it on social media. We need positive vibes more than ever before. You aren’t going to change anything by sitting behind your computer. Be the change you want to see in the world.