By KEYRA CLARK, Columnist

Small towns, they are everywhere. Every state and country has them and they will always be around. Many people that grow up in them are itching to get out the moment they become adults and hope to never return. They leave to pursue dreams in the big city, most hoping to make the big times in one career or another. Big cities and metropolises all across the world are crucial to international development and growth, but at the same time, so are small towns.

Yes, it seems like an absurd idea, but all cities start out small at some point. There is also, in my opinion, a more important and deeper reason why small towns are so vital to the world. Small towns are where life lessons and skills are learned. They are where tight communities are formed. I myself was raised in a small town and went to school in a small town. Yes, now that I have lived in a town that has a lot more than fifty people, there are times that when I return home, I miss the “civilization,” but I would not trade my experiences for the world.

When you are raised in a city, you see things that can discourage a person from pursuing their dreams because of what they saw happen to another person. On the other hand, being brought up in a small town, you have unlimited support to follow your dreams from family, friends and even strangers in surrounding communities. Dreaming big is something every person does, but only handfuls of people who are willing to risk it all will achieve their dreams. I am not saying it depends on where you live as to if you can succeed in life. I am simply saying that when you have the support of a community in a small town, there is not much that seems impossible in life. This is why, for me, small towns and big dreams go hand in hand.