
First of all, you may ask “What is a sorority?” Well, Webster’s Online Dictionary defines a sorority as a “social club for female undergraduate students.” Although, it is much more than that.
To me, being in a sorority has offered so many things that help to enrich my life tremendously. Because of a sorority, I have fostered friendships with so many wonderful, like-minded young women that will last me a lifetime.
I know that my sorority sisters will be there whenever I need them. In a sorority, you make so many fun, positive memories with your sisters, and you get the opportunity to be connected with different women all over the country that share the exact same Greek letters and values as you do. Because Panhellenic sororities are national organizations, you are able to share a common bond with young women on almost any college campus in the United States. I have also been exposed to several different service projects, and charitable giving events.
Being in a sorority is a great way to get involved in your community and give back to others. Both of the sororities here on campus are very active with several different philanthropic organizations that seek to make a positive impact on those around them. Sorority truly is a great way to come together as a group, and lend a helping hand with a smile to those who need it most.
Sorority also offers several opportunities to be a leader, and strive for excellence. Maintaining your grades is an important part of being a sorority woman, and you have caring sisters who help to hold you accountable, and help you study for exams as well as cheer you on when you do well on a pop quiz, or final paper or something of that nature.
In a sorority, you are given the opportunity to run for an office, which instills a great deal of responsibility and leadership. Over all, sorority gives young women an outlet to participate in something much bigger than themselves.
When you put on those Greek letters, it gives you a sense of pride knowing that you are no longer only representing yourself, but you are also representing a wonderful organization, and several women that wore those letters before you.