Student Writer

1) First thing that is needed to knit is a loop ring, sewing needle, knitting needle and yarn

2) Wrap some yarn on the bottom peg in order to keep the knitting in place

3) Next begin by wrapping the first peg in any way one time then go on to the next one

4) After wrapping the pegs on the loop, push down the yarn and begin the second row

5) Once the second row is set, take the knitting needle and begin by putting the bottom yarn over the first

6) As the hat is getting longer, take the yarn that is on the bottom peg and unwrap it

7) Continue with the knitting until the hat is long enough

8) When the hat is long enough, take the sewing needle with the length of yarn cut and begin to go over the pegs to close the hat

9) After sewing the hat up, fold up the bottom part of the hat and relax