Editorial Editor

On March 24, A rally led by students rocked the nation. Thousands of people marched to end gun violence. March for Our Lives had over 800 different “sibling marches” happen around the country and even the globe. There were protests at US Embassies in the UK, Italy, Denmark and Japan. The event was so big that on ABC news tonight with David Muir he stated “The Global event is considered Largest youth led protest since the Vietnam war area” The march was also backed by several different celebrities.
The March For Our Lives website stated that “School safety is not a political issue. There cannot be two sides to doing everything in our power to ensure the lives and futures of children who are at risk of dying when they should be learning, playing, and growing.” The website also had printable price tags to demonstrate politicians choosing the NRA’s funding over the lives of the students. The site stated “There are 3,140,167* students enrolled in Florida. Marco Rubio has received $3,303,355** from the NRA. That comes out to $1.05 per student.” They encouraged people to print them off and wear them in support of the protest.
The Protest also had rallies that included some celebrity performers. Including: Lin Manuel Miranda and Ben Platt with their mashup “Found Tonight” , Demi Lovato singing Skyscraper and Miley Cyrus with her song The Climb. The protest also had a lot of big name stars participate and show their support Including: George Clooney, Paul McCartney, Kim And Kanye West.
On of the most memorable speech was from 11 year old Naomi Wadler from Alexandria, Va. She may be young, but she is wise and She has an understanding about the world around her that some grown ups do not even have. In her speech she stated “I represent the African-American women who are victims of gun violence, who are simply statistics instead of vibrant, beautiful girls full of potential,” She is extremely brave for standing in front of thousands. That is something I would never dream of doing and I am 19. Naomi is an inspiration.
This is not the last time we will hear from these students. They will not back down until changes are made. The next walkout is scheduled for April 20th on the 19th anniversary of Columbine. The Students are now urging those who can to go to the polls and vote for candidates that want to end gun violence. It is time to take charge and make the change for ourselves.
As teens we are always criticized for “not doing or caring enough” and now we are being criticized because we are “To young” to take on such big issues. Those who think that way will be blindsided when the votes start coming in these next couple of years. We may seem young but we are the next generation of voters and this is our “big issue” the one that will be the talk of all the political debates. The problem we demand be fixed. No one should go to school with the thought it could be their last day. School should be a place that everyone feels safe. So why are we getting criticized for finally standing up for what we believe? I think the problem lies with those who are criticizing. They have finally realized that the power in numbers.
To all of those who are upset or angry because of the Marches. Do you truly believe that having harder gun laws or more background checks is that bad? Is it that important for you to own an AK-41 even if it allows one to get into the hands of someone with the wrong intentions? Someone who would take an innocent kid’s life? I honestly believe that it should not even be a question. They are not calling for the repeal of all guns just a bill that will allow more control over who can get guns like having more in depth background checks.
Parkland is full of leaders and that was the one piece of the puzzle missing. Every single one of the those marchers had the ambition inside them they just needed leaders to help them express it. It is time to take action and get this problem solved. So it is time to go to the polls. If you are old enough register to vote, help make a difference and be a part of the change to end gun violence and make our schools safer.