By Megan Maharry

Sports Editor

The Northwestern Oklahoma State University Lady Ranger soccer team is back in action for the upcoming fall 2018 season.

The Lady Rangers nearly nabbed a playoff seat last season, going 5-12-1 overall and finishing 5th in the conference.

The Lady Rangers are preparing for the fall season under new head coach James Ross.

Ross joined the Northwestern staff out of Cloud County Community College.

Ross said he was most impressed with how fit his new players came in. He said pre-season to the first game is a quick turnaround, and fitness is crucial.

Ross said a challenge for the team this year is changing past mentality and moving forward from past years and results.

“My biggest thing is the team’s mentality to push each other harder at practice, to make each and every one a better player,” Ross said.

Ross said his goal for this season is to be in the top four and make the conference tournament.

“What I always tell the players is team, compete, work hard, minimize mistakes and finish chances,” Ross said.

Ross brings his own style of coaching to the table. He said he is very direct on what he wants from the team.

He said the team needs to stick with what they do well rather than worry about the opposing team.

He said what he thinks is different than previous years is he has made it very simple on what it takes to win.

“I don’t preach winning and losing,” Ross said. “If they compete each and every day, each game, and do the five six things I’m always talking about, they will be fine.”

Haleigh Brown is a senior, preparing to play the final season in her collegiate career. She said she is most excited for her senior game.

Brown said her goal this season is to make an impact whenever she is on the field and minimize her mistakes.

“Ross has a winning mentality that I think is going to help the team be successful,” Brown said.

The Lady Rangers will kick off their season against Rogers State.