Every Wednesday the Baptist College Ministry serves lunch to students. The Baptist College Ministry is known as the BCM.

By Bailey Garza

Student Reporter

Eating the same food at the same place everday can get pretty tiring.

It makes you miss a good home cooked meal. Here in Alva, every week those home cooked meals are served. If you haven’t heard about the weekly lunches that are served by some local churches then you’re missing out. Every Wednesday the Baptist

College Ministry serves lunch to students. The Baptist College Ministry is known as the BCM.

You might think that the BCM is just another place to get food. The BCM is more than just than that. The goal for the BCM is to feed students and try to get a quick five minute message out. “We try to be an encouragment to students in every aspect,”

Ronnie Payne said. Ronnie Payne is the head of the BCM. He has been in the position since 2012. Before that, Payne worked at the Bullard Chapel that served for Murray State College. Payne said that the students have been very friendly and outgoing this year. In previous school years there would be a good number of students that would attend the lunches.

This year the BCM has been packed every Wednesday. It’s not just regular students that attend but student athletes from every sport help pack the BCM every week. The BCM was built in the early 60s. It hasn’t always been called the BCM. Back then it was called the Baptist Student Union. It has always helped serve the college students food and God’s word. The BCM serves amazing home cooked food every week with the help from local baptist churches. Not only do local churches help, churches as far as from Woodward to Medford come and help out with serving food and the spreading the word.

The BCM isn’t the only church that has weekly lunches for the students. The Wesley House and the Bible Chair also do the same. The Wesley House serves lunches on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays. These three churches all are trying to provide the same things for Northwestern students.

“We try to support and strengthen the students on their spirtual walk,” Payne said. The churches that provide these weekly lunches try their best to feed the students of course and try to lead them down the right path during their time here at Northwestern. “God tries to feed us spirtual food just like physical food,” Payne said. The BCM wants to do more than provide weekly lunches. Ronnie Payne said that they are going to hold a worship night this fall and upcoming spring semester.

Their goal is to have it twice a month. They also plan to have more activities on campus to give students more things to do and opportunites to meet new people and have some fun.

If you haven’t got to experience the help from these churches, you should definitley go try it out. The BCM, Wesley House, and the Bible Chair have been helping students for quite some time now and they will be helping students for many more years to come.