Some of the roofing companies equipment.

By Capri Gahr

The roofing company was brought in by the college to improve the roofs of three buildings.

Student reporter

Construction on campus began this summer and will continue throughout the year. Three buildings have new roofs and the tennis courts will be redone while smaller projects have been completed with more on the way.

The three buildings that had their roofs redone were Vincent, the Education Center and Coronado.

Flooding in these buildings prompted maintenance to take action. Water damage to floors and ceilings were a result of the roofs being old.

They brought in a roofing company called State Wide Roofing to take care of these projects. Most of the work was completed during the summer while students were off campus so as to not interfere with student life during the semester.

At the beginning of the semester, the roofing company had sections of the parking lot near Shockley blocked and sectioned off.

This was so they could finish working on the last roof to go. They have finished their portion of the project and students will no longer have to be mindful of these sectioned off areas.

Smaller projects by main-tenance include improvements to student housing and sidewalks. Maintenance continuously works on at least six different bathrooms in the dorms throughout each semester so they can keep rooms updated and working.

During the summer, main-tenance worked in south hall to update those bathrooms. They will continue to update showers and bathrooms as the semester progresses.

Improvements to the sidewalks will be ongoing. Students will see cones around campus marking the parts of the sidewalks being worked on. These will not block off any pathways around campus.

Students can expect to see many of these around Coronado in upcoming weeks and the rest of campus as needed. Work on the sidewalks is suspected to be swift and not hinder any of the passages throughout campus.

This effort is in hopes to improve any tripping hazards that could cause injury. The tennis courts will see construction in upcoming days. They will be repaved and the lighting around the area will be redone.

Construction will first begin on the surface of the courts. After the ground is resurfaced, an electric company will put in new wiring and new light poles. Jim Detjen, the physical plant manager on campus oversees all the maintenance and construction projects of campus. He believes this project will be done in just a matter of weeks before reopening to the campus community.