By Cameron Quinby

Editorial Editor

There are a lot of things that make college stressful for first-time students. Expenses, moving away from home, trying to make new friends, and adjusting to a new atmosphere and way of life in general. There’s plenty of things to keep you up at night screaming into your pillow, but should deciding your major be one of them?

A study done by the Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics found that nearly 33% of bachelor’s degree pursuers changed majors at least once in three years. 10% changed twice. It shouldn’t come as any real surprise that many students change majors. After all, how many 18 year olds can say they know without a doubt what they want to do with their lives? Even those that enter college sure of their chosen major can question that choice as they’re exposed to new walks of life.

Of course not everyone is going to change their major during college. It’s great if your major of choice upon entering college keeps you interested and excited for the career that awaits you.

However, I think it’s important to be open to change. Just because you’ve planned on majoring in biology since your freshman year of high school doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. You might find out in college that a degree in social work is better suited to your interests. It’d be a shame to end up with a career you’re not passionate about because you didn’t want to upset the goals you set years ago. People change their minds all the time. No matter how certain you are of your major, be open to a change of heart.