By Nick Perkins

Student Reporter

The spring semester is coming to an end and that means it is time for students to start enrolling.

There are only 6 weeks left in school it is time for students to enroll for the summer and fall semesters.

It is important for students to meet with their advisers to figure out what classes they have already taken and what classes they still need to take in order to get their degrees. It is also important for students to meet with advisers so the advisors can make sure that their students are taking the proper classes that are required. Some students will camp out, so they can make sure that they get the classes that they want. So, it is important to enroll as soon as possible to get the preferred classes instead of just ones that are available.

The university recommends that students take at least 15 credit hours a semester to graduate on time. In doing so, a student should be able to graduate in the four-year time span. Since there are two semesters in a year that makes 30 credit hours in a year, and in four years they will have 120 credit hours. Although if students take more than that or they take summer classes then they might be able to graduate in less than four years.

One reason that it might be important for students to graduate on time is money. An extra semester at NWOSU could cost students over $10,000. In the time it takes a student to go to school for that extra semester, they might be able to get a job and start making money.

Sometimes life happens and certain classes might get tough. If students stick in there and put in the effort then most times everything will work out.