by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

This is a story of my life, written in third person that I wrote for an online class. I hope you enjoy!

Mrs. Boham, her third grade teacher, called her “Miss Wordy”.

She loved the art of the words; she would sit in her bedroom and write. At only eight-years-old she would write 4 page stories of all the imagination that fluttered her mind. She told stories of princesses, castles, magic and mermaids. Just like any kid growing up – Ashley changed her mind on what she wanted to do all the time.

She didn’t always see her calling. Ashley decided to play basketball during her sophomore year of high school. Unfortunately, she came to discover that it just wasn’t what she felt she was meant to do nor did she enjoy it very much.

As she sat on the bench she longed for the game to be over so that she could change clothes and get behind the camera. That’s where she was a competitor, and that is what truly made her happy. She loved the thrill; the risk that came with standing right under the goal to get that one, truly heart stopping and intense shot. When graduation rolled around, there was no question and no hesitation; she wanted to study mass communications. Little did Ashley know, mass communications is where she would truly find herself and become who she always wanted to be. At the end of her freshman year, she received an email from her now advisor, Dr. Kaylene Armstrong. It read: “Attention all mass communications students! Are you looking for a part-time job? The Northwestern News is in search of a Photo Editor, reply to this email if you are interested!”

Ashley put her laptop to the side of her and jumped for joy. She had been desperately looking for the perfect part-time job to fit her schedule and she just knew that this was it. After Christmas break in the fall of 2016, her journey began. College isn’t always easy; the journey came with broken roads and trials and tribulations, and Ashley’s spirit was often down. One thing remained amidst the stress, anxiety, anger and sadness, her love of writing. And so, Ashley went from the position of Photo Editor, to Features and Entertainment writer and editor, and now Ashley has held the position of Editor in Chief for one year.

She’s made great friends in Mass Communications; she continues to write, not just for work, but for fun and healing as well. After all, she is and always will be “Miss Wordy”.