by Megan Brown, Student Reporter

March 7 is known as “National Be Heard Day.” This day was set to encourage small businesses to make themselves known. The day is now used by many to voice their opinions on a wide range of topics.
Northwestern students took the opportunity to give their insight on issues within society that they believe should be discussed.
Shelby Porter, a nursing major, voiced her opinion on the United States Foster Care System.
“One of the issues that isn’t talked about enough is the foster care system and how poorly structured it is,” Porter said. “There are children who are brought into the system and are moved from family to family.
Sometimes these families are not the best for these children who have never had a real family and a permanent place.”
According to there are nearly 428,000 children within the foster care system everyday in the United States.
The decision to not vaccinate children came up with freshman student, Braylon Bradt. Bradt said he believes that the topic of parents choosing not to vaccinate their children should be discussed more.
“Because more people are not vaccinated some disease are actually making a comeback,” Bradt said.
Topics involving children and their well being were brought up by many students, including Mercedes Kirkhart, a senior education major, who has first hand experience with the topic of free school lunches.
“Something that we discuss in classes is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs not being met, specifically in early childhood aged children,” Kirkhart said.
“This means that their basic needs aren’t being met. Children aren’t going to focus on learning their ABC’s or what a plant needs to grow when they are thinking about where or when they will have their next meal.
Kirkhart said she strongly believes that it would be highly beneficial if all school systems offered two fully free meals a day for children enrolled in the system.
“This would take away at least one of those needs children have and allow for more opportunity for learning in classes,” Kirkhart said.
TJ Andrade, NWOSU assistant head coach, weighed in on the topic of a decline in enrollment at trade schools. A trade school is a form of education that is designed to teach students technical skills and train them in specific career fields.
Andrade said he believes that the decline in trade schools will begin to become more and more impactful as the fields they are training individuals in will start to lack professionals.
Many trade schools train future mechanics, CNA’s, web developers and more.
Mental health is a topic that is known across the United States but often not discussed in an appropriate manner. Many individuals believe that the general public is not fully educated on the topic.
Ashlie Wilhite, a NWOSU senior and local CNA said, “I believe we are lacking in the discussion of mental health; not only is there an absence of emphasis on poor mental health but also the positive aspects.”
While there is a day set aside for voicing opinions, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and ideas every day of the year.