by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

“I am a Killer: Released” is a Netflix short series about Dale Wayne Sigler a convicted murderer being released from prison after 30 years and how he copes with the new society. The short series was released on Netflix August 28th 2020.

Sigler killed John Zeltner, a Subway employee, in an armed robbery in Arlington, Texas in April of 1990. He was sentenced to death in 1991, but his death sentence was changed to life three years later.

The most shocking facts that came from this crime is that Sigler new Zeltner before the crime and he had a conversation with him moments before murdering him.

This series was not my favorite true crime series that I’ve seen. It got pretty boring at points but it was interesting to know more about the crime and see how his conviction was changed due to some new rules.

When he got out of prison he moved in with an old lady who had been his pen pal for the last several years. He even called this woman mama.

You see how Sigler turned to religion to help turn himself around. He is currently on a really restrictive parole where he has to get it approved to leave his house.

This series makes me question whether I believe that people can change and makes me wonder what the real motive of the crime was.

In one of the last episodes he explains what he considers the motive but I think it’s 30 years too late. If it was a real motive it should have come out earlier and if he still considers it a good reason to have killed someone I think he needs to look back at his morals.

I give this series a two and a half out of five stars. I know it’s based off a true story so there’s not much they could have done to make it more entertaining but I feel like the story was dragged out when the whole thing could have been one movie.

I’d only recommend it to people who are really into true crime documentaries. This is one of those series that are only searched out by fanatics of murders and other crimes.