by Michelle Willson, Editor-in-Chief

In times of uncertainty, I think that it’s most important that we find little things to enjoy, little things that are certain and will never change. I’ve been thinking about this all week. And I am going to share some of my lists with you.

The first thing that never fails to make me smile is my mom’s daycare kids. Ranging from 5 months to 9 years. The little rascals always know how to make me smile when I am down.

The next thing on my list that makes me happy is shiny/sparkly rocks. I don’t know why they just look pretty, and they feel smooth.

Next are comfort foods: Snow cones, iced coffee, orange juice and Black Forest Juicy Burst Fruit snacks. I know that’s a weird list, but they are my top tier comfort food. Next on my list of comfort food would be bagel bites, Reuben sandwiches, my mom’s salsa and little spooners cereal. Again, a random list of things I want to eat all at once, but they are my go-to comfort foods.

Finally, a list of things that never change. When life feels out of control it’s nice to fall back on things that you know will always be the same. Books, TV series, movies that I’ve already seen no matter how many times I rewatch the same series movie or book It’s always going to be the same characters the same goals.

Personally, when I get stressed or feel like things are out of my control, I like to play Webkinz. Now I know that sounds childish but every time I get on Webkinz my animals are the same, the games are the same, it’s the same tasks and it just makes me feel more at ease.

When I am super stressed one of the most helpful tricks that I use is to put in headphones and blast music. Most of the time, I’m not listening to music, but it helps block out the real world for a while. Bonus points if I can go to the park in a hammock while doing so.

I challenge each and every one of you to make a list it can be on your phone or a physical list or even just saying things in your head. Write down your list of likes, your comfort foods and your comfort shows because a lot of the time when we’re to the point that we’re so stressed out we can’t remember what you like to do to calm down. If you keep this list with you so have a reminder of what you like to do.