by Kaylea Brown, Student Reporter

Turning leaves, carved pumpkins and aisles full of costumes can only mean one thing: Halloween is almost here.

This Halloween, doing a ghost photoshoot is a new way that younger generations are celebrating the holiday.

The trend started on the popular social media app, TikTok, and has started to appear on NWOSU’s campus and many others across the world.

According to three students on campus that have participated in the trend, all that is needed is a white sheet and a humorous or eerie place to take the photos.

“We live in the middle of nowhere with nothing exciting to do,” said Carson Polk, a sophomore mass communications major from Hayden, Alabama. “Then this [idea] came up and anyone can do it from anywhere.”

Emerging out of scenes from cartoons like Charlie Brown and Scooby-Doo, the idea of a ghost has turned to a person with a sheet thrown over their body. In this case, it also involves props including glasses, hats and a variety of others.

The possibilities of pictures that can come out of the photoshoot is what makes it interesting according to the girls. They said that it’s also interesting because of the people that take interest in you while you are doing it.

“When people walk up to you with a sheet on your head and start talking to you it’s kind of interesting,” explained Carys Delaplane, a junior nursing major from Enid. “Anyone will come up to you and start asking questions when you have a sheet over you and you’re taking pictures.”

Being approached by curious people is something that all of the girls experienced, but it made for some of their favorite moments of the photoshoot. From being able to pet a stranger’s dog to exploring a new place, the photoshoot is memorable because it is also something that you haven’t seen a lot, said Lily Hattenhauer, a freshman art major from Stroud.
“It feels kind of goofy at first,” Hattenhauer said. “But when the photos come out you’re like wow this is actually really fun.”

Students were given permission to take photos on a decorated front lawn in Alva.
The trend includes using props to make your ghost a personality.
The Alva city park is a popular spot to host a ghost photo shoot with friends.