by Dacoda McDowell-Wahpekeche

Q1: What do you think about not having fall break?

Angel Marshall – It does not bother me, but I think it should be made up in other places like Thanksgiving break.

Cody Schmidt – Honestly, it hurt mentally because we are used to having that break. We probably need it because of everything going on.

Miceala Stevenson – I understand the reasoning because of COVID, but people are still going out. It would have been nice to go home to see family, but I understand.

Collin Zink – It takes a toll on people. There is not a time to calm down from all the craziness of college even with COVID going on. There are people with concerns of catching COVID that could have used it as a time to quarantine a little just to be safe.

Logan Lloyd – I liked it because Thanksgiving break is a little longer.

Q2: Do you agree that it should have been cancelled?

Angel Marshall – It is a good decision because of COVID.

Cody Schmidt – I wanna say yes, because I see the purpose and reason why.

Miceala Stevenson – I agree because of COVID, but we have been going home anyways so what was the point?

Collin Zink – Depends. I liked fall break because it is a break from school, like a miniature timeout, but I understand why.

Logan Lloyd – Yes because it lengthened my time with my family.

Q3: Are you looking forward to having a longer Thanksgiving break?

Angel Marshall – Yes, I just need a break from school and everything.

Cody Schmidt – Yes, very much so! Everybody needs a mental break, and that extended break should allow our brains to catch up right before finals.

Miceala Stevenson – Yes, definitely. I have family from Texas, Seattle, Maine so I am excited to see them and have the week off.

Collin Zink – Yes, because it is a break from school that you get to spend with your family. On the other hand, no because once we get back it will be hectic with a time crunch before finals week.

Logan Lloyd – Yes! All of my family is in Florida and I have not gone home all semester so I miss them and will get to spend that time with them.

Q4: What will you miss the most about fall break?

Angel Marshall – I did not have anything planned, nothing I can’t make up some other time. Honestly, what do we even do on fall break anyways?

Cody Schmidt – I will miss not getting to see my folks.

Miceala Stevenson – Just seeing old friends and not having that reunion sucks because college is stressful.

Collin Zink – Just having a break from all this craziness with everything going on.

Logan Lloyd – Just getting a little break from school and everything going on.

Q5: The university has not made any official plans about spring break, but some Oklahoma universities have already cancelled it. What is your opinion on that?

Angel Marshall – It is the smartest thing to do. It is gonna get worse before it gets any better obviously. Everyone wishes it won’t be cancelled but it is the smart thing to do.

Cody Schmidt – If you cancel it, then give us a day off every once in a while. In our Spring Semester, spring break is our only break. We need that mental rest during the second semester.

Miceala Stevenson – It is a good precaution, but spring break would be nice. If we started later and got rid of spring break, then I would not be mad about the decision.

Collin Zink – Schools with more students that have cancelled spring break is kind of logical because of their population. Whereas Northwestern is a smaller school with less students so we can change our schedule more than those bigger schools.

Logan Lloyd – I would like to have spring break, but I see why we would cancel. If everyone takes precaution, then we should be good. It is no different than us going on Christmas break.