By, LEAH DARNELL, Student Reporter

Family, one of the most important pieces that make me who I am.

I have a close relationship with my parents, sister, brother-in-law and extended family. My family is one of my biggest support systems I have, and I am truly blessed.

Leah Darnell’s favorite memory was of sitting on the kitchen floor with her Grandma Dacus making chocolate chip cookies during the summertime.

From my earliest memory, I could remember spending one week each with my grandparents during the summer.

During those weeks, my grandparents took pictures. And looking back on those memories, I am blessed to have time with both sets of grandparents.

For me, the hardest part of being close to family is when someone passes away. It’s hard, but I remember they aren’t in pain anymore, and I will see them again.

In August of 2018, my Grandpa Dacus passed away. For me, it was hard to see him in the pain before he passed, but I knew that God would call him home soon.

On the Dacus side of the family, I am the youngest grandchild out of 10. I have memories with him I will forever cherish. I remember running errands in town with him and my sister, Sarah, in his Ford pickup.

Leah’s grandparents, Carlene and Clarence Dacus, smile for a picture.

One errand I always remember was checking on the oilrigs.

Another thing he loved was John Deere tractors, which I quickly fell in love with since he loved them as well.

I remember a time my family was visiting during a holiday, and he gave me one of his John Deere hats.

I knew from that moment on that each time I look at or wear the hat, I know he is with me.

I also remember him loving John Wayne. In the garage, he had a cutout of him. At his memorial service, the John Wayne cutout made an appearance.

Also, I remember when my sister and I would spend the week with my Papa and Grandma. We would always watch “Home Alone” and “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York,” even though it wasn’t Christmastime.

I also remember him carrying a big cup filled up with half Dr. Pepper and the other half Diet Dr. Pepper.

I have a close relationship with my Grandma Dacus as well, I remember sitting on the kitchen floor and rolling cookie dough into balls.

Also, I remember in the mornings eating Nutrigrain bars or Honey Nut Cheerios and drinking hot chocolate out of John Deere cups.

One of my favorite memories with my grandma was when my cousins, sister and I would play “Sorry” with her. And somehow, she would always lose.

Again, she will always let us watch the “Home Alone” movies ,and also the newest version of “The Parent Trap.”

Since my Grandpa Dacus has passed, when going back to visiting Grandma Dacus, all of those memories start flooding back from when I was a child. I wish I could run errands with my grandpa one more time.

Because I am getting older and in my last semester of college, it’s harder to go see my Grandma Dacus, but I know every opportunity I get when I am not in school to see her, I will take it, because we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.

I am truly blessed to have parents who let me have a close relationship with my grandparents and spend a week with both sets during the summer, because those memories I will treasure forever.

Until we meet again, Papa, love and miss you!

“Courage is being scared to death … and saddling up anyway.” — John Wayne

Leah Darnell sits on her grandpa’s lap during a visit. This was her favorite spot when her grandparents visited or when she went to visit them in Oklahoma.