By COLLIN ZINK, Student Reporter

Kyle Fuller

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Alva campus has a new police chief.

Kyle Fuller, a veteran and law enforcement officer, was hired for the job in June. Since then, he’s been settling into his new role in a community with which he’s familiar.

The Northwestern News sat down with Fuller to learn more about who he is and how he’ll oversee our campus police department.

Q: Tell us about yourself.
A: I am married and have four kids. I started at the Alva Police Department, worked at the Woods County Sheriff’s Office for a few years and served in the National Guard for six years. I am currently getting my bachelor’s degree in psychology here at Northwestern.

Q: What has your career been like?
A: It’s been a lot about learning, and learning something new every day.

Q: What made you come to Northwestern?
A: Just to live in Alva. The job hours are much better for family life. I like the environment.

Q: What is your favorite part of the job and why?
A: I would say just being in a university setting, being around a wealth of knowledge.

Q: What’s your least favorite part and why?
A: Dealing with parking issues. It’s a constant problem.

Q: What are some of the challenges modern law enforcement officers face?
A: That’s a tough one. In a small community, it’s not much of an issue. The biggest challenge is mending the police and the public.

Q: What’s an average day on the job like? Or is there such a thing?
A: There kind of is an average day, but you may never know what is going to pop up.

Q: What has been the most interesting part of the job so far?
A: That’s tough. Really, it’s just people never cease to surprise you. [It’s] not all bad – just interesting people.

Q: What are the most common calls campus police get?
A: During the day, it’s about parking stuff. And anytime of the day, suspicious odors inside the dorms.

Q: What should students know about you and the work you do?
A: I think they should know that I want them to be able to come to me with their problems. My goal is not to take away all the joy and fun on campus. My main goal is to keep the campus safe.