Game Review by DIANE TODD, Guest Columnist

Recently, I’ve found myself in a bit of a lull entertainment-wise.

The pandemic slowed down a lot of productions to the point where it felt a lot like when I was a little kid again, hearing about everyone waiting for the newest episode of WandaVision to release or watching movies for the first time at home.

Now things are almost back to normal again, and I realized I was getting tired of playing the same old things every time I turned on a console.

Insert Deathloop. Deathloop is a game that caught my eye because its creators are the makers of the Dishonored franchise.

I read up on the game and decided to buy it almost instantly.

Essentially, you’re playing an assassin who doesn’t have any idea who he is. You’re stuck on an island that you don’t remember. You’re hallucinating words in the sky. A woman is out to assassinate you before you kill your targets. And you’re stuck in a never-ending time loop? I’m in.

The main character, Colt, is sarcastic, cusses like a sailor and is just as confused as the player the entire time.

The game itself is beautiful. The characters are witty with well-developed personalities, the mechanics are very user-friendly, and it just makes you feel cool.

It never feels old, no matter how many iterations of the day you’ve played, because they’re always a little bit different, and it’s not a gory game by any means.

You can play as the other assassin and invade other players’ timelines to try to kill their Colt.

There are tons of upgrades, and you are highly rewarded for succeeding in killing the targets.

It’s also a game with plenty of secrets, and you have to sleuth your way to the truth, because you can complete the storyline without finding half of what the game offers.

The only downside I might have for the game is availability, as it is a PS5 and PC exclusive, but if you have one of those, you definitely have to try this game.