Student Reporter

For the women of Alpha Sigma Alpha and Delta Zeta, graduation doesn’t end their sorority membership. They can join an alumni chapter after graduation.

The alumni chapters take on the role of continuing support for Northwestern’s sororities. Both campus sororities have their own alumni chapters that supports their collegiate chapters in different ways.

The Alpha Sigma Alpha alumni chapter host several different events for its collegiate chapter. According to Chesnei Thomas, president of Alpha Sigma Alpha alumni chapter, they try to host sisterhood events any time4they can. Their goal is to support the sorority in every way possible. They also volunteer to help the collegiate chapter in hosting several events, such as bid day or fundraising functions. The alumni chapter is always looking for way to grow and better help the sorority.

There are 15 to 20 women currently on Alpha Sigma Alpha’s alumni chapter roster and they are always looking to expand membership. Women are allowed to join the alumni group even if they were not in the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority while in college. The alumni chapter welcomes women who have similar interest and are inspired to support the collegiate chapter. Since becoming president of the alumni chapter, Thomas said, she hopes to help more Alpha Sigma Alpha alumni stay or get involved in the collegiate chapter.

The Delta Zeta alumni chapter also aims to help its collegiate chapter any way it can. Members participate in various activities the collegiate chapter hosts. They also help them host several events by either providing locations, funds or support. The alumni chapter also host a founder’s day dinner for the women in the sorority along with helping them throughout recruitment week. The Delta Zeta alumni chapter is working on reforming. According to Rebecca Fenton, the collegiate chapter director, there are approximately 10 active alumni who attend meetings and other events on a regular basis. There are around 15 alumni who help support the collegiate chapter through various means of communications and by helping with fundraising and other needs. They are currently working on growing their alumni reach in northwest Oklahoma. The only requirement to be a part of the alumni chapter is to be a graduated member of Delta Zeta or to join as an alumna by contacting current alumni members.

According to Fenton, the Northwestern Delta Zeta chapter not only receives local support from alumnae, but they also receive letters and social media messages from various alumni chapters nationwide. They also receive advice from their virtual group, “The Surfing Sisters.”

Both alumni chapters have programs with virtual alumni chapters that provide support and assistance to collegiate chapters all over the nation. This program allows women from all over the globe remain a part of their collegiate chapter for the rest of their lives, no matter where they move.