Online Writer

Similar to the three musketeers, but almost completely different besides the number three, you have the cats. Started from a joking name between three young women, it’s now a known nickname within our large frame of friends all over the states. We all rodeo… We know lots of people! For this first entry I have asked the other two cats some questions for a little better understanding of why a cat.

Why a cat?

JP: “Have you ever seen a well-trained cat? You either get a good one or a bad one; cats do whatever they want…all the time.” (That pretty much sums it all up.)

TP: “Why not a cat is the real question. What else is there to be? Dogs are predictable and you can’t cuddle a fish. Cat is the only way to go.” (Amen little kitty.)

Kitty Activities include?

JP: “Prowling and hunting. Hunting down food, parties and always looking for a good looking Tom.”

TP: “Kitty activities include, but are not limited to: Dancin’, prancin’, prowlin’, clawin’, and drinkin’…milk.” (We do love our milk.)

Funniest kitty experience?

JP: “Watching three actual cats interact and feeling as if each cat were a resemblance of our own selves. So we became the cats!”

TP: “When people from far away, or random places refer to us at the cats. Especially, on social media.”

Do we really Meow?

JP & TP: “YES! No matter the social situation you’re in if a fellow litter mate meows, it’s the others responsibility to meow back.” (Meow.)