Staff Writer

Scuplture 1_1The Northwestern Oklahoma State University English Department has received a donation of a two-piece sculpture from Sheldon and Nancy Russell.

The sculpture is of the American literary icon Mark Twain, author of such novels as “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” The sculpture was donated as a fundraiser for the English Department’s Visiting Writers Series.

Sheldon Russell is a Northwestern alumnus who graduated in 1968 with a degree in English. He is an author who wrote several novels that were inspired by northwest Oklahoma and according to English Department Chair Kathryn Lane, “He is one of the most distinguished graduates of the English program.”

The sculpture was created by Sheldon’s wife, Nancy Russell, who is known for her artistic talents. She is best known for her bronze sculpture of Dale Brown, which is on display at the Runnymede. Lane says, “The sculpture is a beautiful piece that encapsulates the love, knowledge, and true nature of Mark Twain.”

English Instructor Kathy Earnest says, “Nancy is a very talented artist and this was a wonderful way of them giving back to the university.”

The sculpture, valued at $800, will be sold at auction. Proceeds will help fund the English Department’s Visiting Writers Series which benefits the students, faculty and community members who are interested in creativity and the literary arts.