Student Reporter

Northwestern student Chris Punto is working to start a chapter of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity to expand Greek life here.

Punto and others are trying to form an interest group so they can petition the national fraternity.

The support for the TKE chapter is strong, he said. Not only are they gaining support on campus from Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority but from Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s TKE chapter. Punto says, “They are all eager to see a new chapter started here in Alva.”

The group is facing growing pains. The struggle is finding a group of men who are willing to put forth the effort and strenuous time.

TKE does have a set of goals they find to be achievable. First start a fraternity in Alva. Second is a short term goal to get a chapter started by the end of fall semester. Lastly, TKE’s long term goal is to get the chapter up and running.

Although things are looking up for TKE there is some negative feedback not because of the organization itself but because of the past and failed attempts to start a fraternity on campus. Northwestern senior Derrick Stephens said there was a the lack of involvement in previous attempts to start a fraternity.  “There wasn’t a whole lot of people in it and the people who were weren’t taken seriously per se, so that made the frat a joke in a sense.” Stephens said he does believe there could be a fraternity on campus if there were more dedicated individuals.

Punto’s response is that he knows that there is some negative feedback but without those other students trying to start a fraternity on campus he wouldn’t have had the idea.

Punto says, “I’m looking forward to TKE helping everyone.” He is hoping the TKE fraternity benefits university recruitment, the Alva community and individual students.

For Northwestern’s men, Punto says, “I want to provide a chance to get involved in campus while providing long-lasting friendships and a sense of brotherhood. I think the men will be happy with the fraternity. It’s a chance to be a leader, to make friends, to have fun, and to be a part of something greater than themselves.”

Some believe that the struggle to start a fraternity on campus is made more difficult by Northwestern’s rules barring sorority or fraternity houses. Punto says, “While not having a fraternity house might turn a few people away, I think most will just be happy we are expanding our Greek Life.”

Anyone interested in helping start a TKE chapter or in wanting to join should contact Punto via Facebook.