Photo by University Relations

By Ashley Strehl, Editor in Cheif

Dear class of NWOSU spring 2020,

I know right now, it may feel like we can’t catch a break; like everything is falling apart.

We don’t get to go to our last spring game, our last Bahama Breakaway or our last cram study sesh’ with our friends. We went to our “lasts” without even knowing they were just that, our last. However, what breaks our hearts the most is that we won’t get that sweet feeling of standing on that stage on the Ranger field. We won’t get to shake President Cunningham’s hand and smile and wave to our friends and family or take all those last pictures with our favorite peers and professors.

There is, however, something that we do get, something that, I especially, keep forgetting … our degree.

Did you know that only 61% of Americans under the age of 25 graduate with a college degree (66% over 25)? Technically yes, that is over half, but imagine those people who didn’t and don’t ever get the opportunity to get their education like we did. We will get our degree and that is still a huge accomplishment in and of itself. Honestly, a ceremony will never dictate the true magnitude of that.

We worked hard. We stayed up all night sometimes only to fail the test the next day. We have learned that failure is only a stepping stone towards success. This situation we are going through is not a failure guys. This is still a huge success.

I know it may be hard to be motivated during this time, trust me I know, but don’t let the past years of hard work go to waste. We got to be a part of the best family in Oklahoma, Northwestern Oklahoma State University. Don’t let our family down, keep going, and remember that we will get more moments of success; this is only the beginning of our lives. Just keep riding rangers, we got this.