By J.D. Eddy, Editorial Editor

Well, it’s been one heck of a journey here at Northwestern News. I’ve learned so much about writing, photography and made many new friends along the way. These are some of the memories that I will not forget.

Working at this newspaper has opened many avenues I never thought were possible. If I can put it into a few words without sounding too sappy, I will miss this job a lot, especially the individuals that I work with.

I would consider them some of my better friends in life.

Leaving this job really was a tough decision to make, but it is that time. Football is coming up in the fall, and my photography business is starting to take off. I really hope some more students will apply for the jobs that are becoming vacant. You don’t have to be a mass communications major. Other perspectives work just as well. Ride, Rangers, Ride!

J.D. Eddy has been the News’ editorial editor since January 2022. He is a graduate student on campus and is leaving the News to pursue other opportunities.