By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Edito-r

-Photo illustrated by Michelle Willson

“Preachers Kid” is Queer Christian Ep that the artist Semler released on Friday the 5th. It feathers eight songs that speak to the experiences lgbtq members face as they grow up in the church.

Semler submitted to streaming services as Christian artist because her songs are Christians songs though they sound different and are about different types of topics.

Semler promotes her music on TikTok and has quite the following. Leading up to the release she teased her songs in Tiktok videos.

In one of her TikToks she described her eps topics to be about Toxic Theology, Faith, Doubt, Love, Loss and Rejection.

This ep is something I can relate to. It is the first artist who directly sings about many of the same experiences I grew up with.

I tired to explain one of the stories and my non-religious friend didnt quite grasp.

I Explained that its like the story of Icarus, From one persepctive he got too ambitious and died and everyone asked “how could he do that?” “He was a child he didnt understand what he was doing.

The other persepective or translation of the story is that Icarus knew what he was doing, he new the risk and he never felt more alive.

People treat sexuality the same way. “Your not old enough to make that decision” “you dont understand what that means” but we do.

Comming out is somthing that has not only been on our mind for years but we have thought about it from every angle and we know their is no way to be happy unless your being yourself.

I have always related to Icarus but I have never been able to understand why till now.

Semler released her song “Jesus in Texas” as a demo earlier this year and I have been obsessed with it.

It talks about I have been listening to the whole ep none stop since it released.

I give this ep a 5 out of 5 it is the first time I have really felt a Christian artist speak to me and the songs are amazing.

I recommend that everyone listens to it. I feel like people can relate to situations that they have never been in when it’s in music so I feel like this would be a great opportunity to hear another side of the story.

The Ep can be found on all music streaming sites.

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