1 What is ADA? calleb

Americans with Disabilities Act

2 How long have you been coordinating ADA here at Northwestern?

Three years

3 In short, what is the goal of ADA?

To help in providing reasonable accommodations that encompass both physical access and academic modifications for those individuals with identified and documented disabilities to enhance their capacity to perform to the best of their ability

4 What services are available for individuals needing ADA accommodations?  

Accommodations that include physical access and academic modifications

5 How does one needing these ADA accommodations receive them?  

Students with disabilities who wish to access services shall initiate their request by contacting the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities. Students can expect to meet with a staff member to discuss their accommodation needs. The individual will complete a request for accommodations while also submitting documentation from a qualified professional as to the nature of the disability before receiving services.  Once all paperwork is complete, the accommodations paperwork will be finalized and the students can begin to receive the necessary services.