While looking at the right hand of the magician, the man was unaware of the coin in the left that was supposed to have vanished in thin air.

The idea of the man putting all his focus on the magicians right hand, while giving way to his awareness of the left hand directly reflects the haunting reality of the bread and circuses idea that much of today’s young society sees itself in.

Bread and circuses (Latin: Panem et circenses) is a phrase that originated in Rome during the late first and early century A.D. from Roman satirist Juvenal, according to the book ‘Life, Death and Entertainment in the Roman Empire’ by David Potter and David Mattingly.

While the Roman townspeople were under the rule of the Empire, they were provided with chariot races, gladiator fights and other forms of entertainment as a means to distract them from the faulty leadership of the government.

In addition, the townspeople were also given food as well, supplied by the Empire.

What’s the significance of this?

The townspeople were unaware of the Empire’s malicious schemes because of the entertainment and food that they were provided with. While the people were too busy watching people slay each other in coliseums, the Empire was busy slaying others elsewhere with their armies.

They were stuck looking at the right hand, while the left hand was up to no good.

Looking at today’s society, the bread and circus idea is still alive and well.

For example, thousands, if not millions, of people attend sporting events each week here in the United States. The people are given the entertainment as football players knock each other senseless down on the field, and they are given food as the concession stand is always there, ready to receive their money for overpriced hotdogs or popcorn.

As the people are their watching the event, the government is free to do whatever they like, wherever they like because the eyes of the people are no longer focused on them per say.

While society is stuck consuming the entertainment on TV or in person, the government is off spending our tax dollars on senseless items or making questionable decisions that has left the country ultimately on the cusp of World War III.

Instead of being caught looking at only the right hand of the magician, what if society looked at the other hand as well? Who knows what type of tricks would be uncovered if they did that.