by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

You know how people say “New year new me”, but they don’t really put an effort into actually changing their lifestyle?

Well this year I am actually going to put more effort into changing my lifestyle.

There are three main changes I am going to make, and no they aren’t the cliche “loosing weight” or “learning a new skill.”

I’m making changes that go beyond that, I’m making changes that will go towards not only my physical well being but my mental well being as well.

  1. I will no longer apologize for my emotions.
    I let myself get into a vicious cycle of apologizing for my reactions last year. It was like … I would get really emotional about something and then immediately regret it. It felt like I was going insane because I truly never knew if my feelings were validated. I’m done apologizing for how I feel. If I’m mad, I’m mad. If it upsets me, it upsets me and that is OK.
  2. I’m worth great opportunities.
    Being rejected from a job or opportunity can really suck. When I didn’t get the job or internship that I thought I anted I felt like a failure and I thought, well if I’m not good enough for them, then who am I good enough for? I’m done with that way of thinking! I AM TALENTED and I have a lot of skills! Anyone would be lucky to have me working for them and if they find someone else then that just means it wasn’t for me and that is OK.
  3. If something is bothering me, I’m gonna speak up.
    This one is actually something that I have been working on for a while but seem to still struggle with. Bottling up emotions is NOT, I repeat, NOT OK. In the end that hurts you. You should always speak your mind! Your opinions and feelings are just as important as everyone elses. If it’s rejection that I’m worried about at least I can say that I got it off of my chest. Self care 2020 is underway!