By, MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

This week, it’s going to be less of a rant and more of a suggestion on how to stay safe during the whole pandemic.

My roommate and I have what we call our “COVID bubble,” and I think that other people would benefit from this.

Basically, you make a list, either physically or mentally, of all the people you have to be in contact with.

In my case, it’s just my roommate and me. Together, we both agree to be extra careful when we are in contact with other people outside of our bubble.

My roommate and I have lots of contact with each other without our masks on, which is fine.

But when in contact with anyone outside of our bubble, we must wear a mask and socially distance, even if we’re hanging out with mutual friends.
Last week, we had one of our friends come into our suite for a little bit to help us with our shower head.

In the time she was in our suite, all three of us wore our masks and stayed socially distanced.

I feel like this is the next step of being cautious with the pandemic.
Was it weird to wear mask in my own suite? A little.
But then we all knew we were being safe.

The point of the covid bubble is to make note of the people around you.
Everyone in your covid bubble should be aware that you consider them safe, and they should be using the same effort to not come in contact with other people.

I work as an RA and as an editor of the newspaper. I don’t count my coworkers, friends or siblings in my covid bubbles.

If I am around anyone who’s not my roommate, I will be wearing my mask.
I will be distancing as a way to protect others and myself.

All this being said, take the pandemic seriously. Wear a mask not just to protect you, but to protect the people around you.

The last thing that you want to know is that you were the cause of someone getting sick and possibly dying.

If people are offended that they’re not in your covid bubble, then those are the people that you don’t want to be around.

They’re probably not taking the pandemic seriously. And if they are, they shouldn’t care that you’re wearing a mask around them.

I hope you stay positive and you test negative. And may this year be easier than the last.