By MICHELLE WILLSON, Editor-in-chief

I’m going to be honest. I don’t think we should come back after Thanksgiving. Not that I’m worried for my safety, but after finals how am I to be sure that I haven’t come in contact with someone who has the virus.

To be safe, I would have to stay in the dorms an extra two weeks to ensure that I would not spread the virus (if I came in contact with it) to my immunocompromised mother or her infant daycare kids. There is no easy way for me to avoid contact with them because my mom has the daycare at our house.

I have been as careful as possible these last two weeks to avoid contact with pretty much everyone. Because I want to be home on Thanksgiving. I could try to do that again, but with so many people going home and being around other people there is a greater chance I will come in contact with someone who has it after Thanksgiving.

I realize it’s not the best situation. I know people don’t do online classes well, but I just feel like the students aren’t taking it seriously. The amount of parties I’ve seen on Snapchat stories and students at raves without masks on is absolutely appalling to me.

I know that the virus might not affect you, but my friend’s mom is in the hospital with COVID-19 on a ventilator right now, fighting for her life. That’s a scary feeling, and it’s not even my mom. I have no clue what I would do in that situation. And I don’t want to be in that situation. You should have the compassion to follow the CDC guidlines so you don’t put someone in that situation.

I feel like the town of Alva has pretty much forgot about the pandemic altogether. I’ve seen people in Walmart without masks on. I’ve seen people refuse to take a mask from the employees when offered, and those wearing masks are normally wearing it under their nose.

If we all took the virus seriously, we could have less positive cases. But there’s about 20% of the population right now that just doesn’t care, and to be honest, your privilege is showing.

Just because you’re not fearing for your life or fearing for a loved one’s life doesn’t mean those around you aren’t. I don’t know how to stress to you that you should care about other people and their situations, even if they don’t affect you.