Student Writer

The movie ‘I Feel Pretty’ is a romantic comedy staring Amy Schumer and Rory Scovel.

A girl named Renee, played by Schumer is in her early 30’s, she has self-esteem problems. Because of her looks and her weight, she is intimidated around all the physical beauty around her. Then after a head injury, she gains confidence and suddenly believes she is the prettiest girl in the world.

I feel like Amy Schumer did a great job on her acting, and so did all the other stars. I felt like the story line was good, and I thought it was a cute and funny movie.

I was led to believe it would be a little bit funnier, but the movie does inspire people to be who they are in spite of their looks. Too many people get caught up in the beauty craze of social media and caring about what people think of their pictures and physical appearance. There is tremendous amount of pressure put on young adults to have the perfect body image, this movie addresses those issues and inspires us to be our own self. It is to make us realize that it truly matters what’s on the inside and not on the inside.

There has only been two movies I’ve ever been to that had applause endings in a movie theater, and this was one of those movies where a group of girls clapped at the end because they enjoyed it so much. I feel like it is a very good movie for women to go and watch, feel inspired, give them a boost of energy, and make them feel great about themselves.