by Bailey Rankin, Student Reporter

Alrighty ghosts and ghouls, it’s time to get spoopy!

Let me tell you, October is my favorite month. Cooler weather? You got it! Pretty fall colors? Done. And what is the best holiday that takes place during this month? No, not Columbus Day. HALLOWEEN!!!

Halloween is the best holiday periodt. Yeah, you can at me, but I’m not going to respond. I’ll be too busy watching scary movies, eating candy corn and trying to force my cat into a costume that says something super cringy like, “Mommy’s Little Pumpkin”, or something like that.

I’ve always loved Halloween ever since I can remember, which is about 12 years old (I have a bad memory), but I’m sure I enjoyed it even before then. I love the candy, the costumes and the fun you have with friends. You know what else I love? The fact that Halloween is now getting the recognition it deserves!

Now, I don’t want to sound like a Grinch, but Christmas can suck it. The other thing I remember about being a 12 year old Halloween enthusiast is the annoyance I felt when walking towards the Halloween costume isle and seeing Christmas inflatables or the glittery socks, some call them Christmas stockings, hanging next to the witch costume. Christmas would be a full two months away and it was still trying to encroach on my valuable Halloween time!

Maybe it’s just me, but as of late I have noticed an increase in people actually taking the time to celebrate Halloween and not completely bypass it for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I see more inflatable Frankenstein’s Monsters than elves out in front yards; I see the lengths that parents are going to so that they can make sure that their kid has the most amazing costume and I notice that the “haunted houses” you see on some streets have continuously gotten more spooky each year.

Halloween is a time to dress up and not worry about what others may think about you, because those “others” look just as wild on that night. Halloween is a time to collect as much candy as you can and then share it with those who might not have had the opportunity to enjoy the night as much as you did. Halloween is a time to have fun, enjoy yourself without any worry and a time to care about others.

Wow, look at all those life lessons. It’s a Halloween miracle!

So yeah, Halloween is great and there is not a better holiday. It’s my favorite to celebrate and the best part is sharing the day with friends whether it’s scaring them, laughing at the most terrifying parts of a horror movie or admiring the costumes trick or treaters wear as they collect their candy.

Now if you’ll excuse me, this witch has some candy to hand out.