By Ely Noble, Student Reporter

NBA 2K23 comes with a big dose of nostalgia, available now on PC, Ps4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch for the current-gen version, and Ps5and Xbox series X for the next-gen version.

A lot of new game modes are added to the game that bank on players’ appetite for historic NBA moments.

The big one is the Jordan challenge. This is a game mode where you can go relive some of the NBA’s most-remembered and exciting moments in history and even see it the way people did in that time.

However, the biggest addition this year just may be the My NBA Era game mode.

In the past, players had to customize their leagues to replicate leagues from the past. However, My NBA Eras allows players to just choose an era, pick a team and play Association of My NBA with that league, with that time’s rules, rosters and TV presentations.

With all these nostalgic offerings, NBA 2K23 is all about authenticity. Last year, we saw a major graphical leap.

The graphical improvements this year are minuscule, if not entirely absent. But that is only because the focus this year is different. Many players will judge NBA 2K23 based on how well it delivers on its promise of authenticity, which includes improvements in the W as well.

Of course, we will take that into consideration in our NBA 2K23 review, but at the end of the day, we will still be focusing more on the entire package on how well it delivers on all fronts.

Another big part of NBA 2K23 is the MyCareer and My Player. This year’s MyCareer brings your player with a rival named Shem Owens. This gives the story a splash of personality.

In the beginning, your player gets drafted in the first round, but the media and fans think your rival would have been the better choice to go with.

Both players get picked right after each other, with the My Player MP going just ahead of Shem. Shem is upset and feels disrespected that you were drafted first and calls out MP multiple times.

This gives the player MP a path to prove everyone wrong and show why he was selected before his rival was