The volleyball team had an inter-squad scrimmage last Friday.

By MCKAYLA HOLSON, Editorial Editor

Photo by Angel Perez

The volleyball team had an inter-squad scrimmage last Friday.

Northwestern volleyball ranked 8th in the preseason ranking out of 12 teams.

Preseason rankings are predictions made by coaches in the conference on how the season will end. The predictions are just that, predictions. The season does not always end the way they think it will.

“Obviously it has no determination on how things will finish,” said head volleyball coach, Fred Aubuchon.

Two years ago, Northwestern finished at a higher ranking than predicted. Last year, they were ranked 4th in the preseason, but ended at a lower ranking.

“It doesn’t decide where you finish, it’s only a starting point,” said Aubuchon.

Aubuchon is the new head coach. He has a different style and system than the girls are used to, but he said they are on track. Aubuchon said they are working on getting nine returners and 11 new members to mesh well and learn his style of coaching and it is going well.

Kaitlyn Robinson, one of the team captains and junior psychology major, said Aubuchon does have a new style of coaching, but all coaches have different styles. Robinson said Aubuchon is genuine, transparent and an overall good person.

As far as goals for the year, Aubuchon said he did not want to put the cart in front of the horse.

“We’re really focused on just getting better every day together.,” Aubuchon said. “We feel very confident about who we are and very excited about the upcoming season, but we’re not trying to put the cart in front of the horse.”

“Our biggest concern and our biggest goal right now is to truly come together as a team,” Aubuchon said.

Aubuchon said the team has strong, impactful returners. Among them are Kiauna Clark, Kaydee Honeycutt, Claire Hodges and team captains Jennifer Ubanks, Kaitlyn Robinson and Sydnee Miller.

Like Aubuchon, Robinson said the team goals are really just taking things day by day.

“It’s a long season,” Robinson said.

She said the team arrived the first week of August and they play until Thanksgiving at least. Nationals and other games are after that. She said it is about a four month season at the least.

“You have to take it day by day sometimes,” Robinson said.

For the team, Robinson said there is a high level of competition this year.
“Day one the freshmen were bringing it for sure,” Robinson said. “Me and the rest of the veterans had to step it up quick, there was no time to just mess around.”

“We’re all really competitive, we all want to play, but also we’re a team,” Robinson said. “We’re happy for whoever gets to play.”

The first game is set for September 6 in San Angelo, Texas. Aubuchon said the girls are in a good place right now and will be even better by the game.