By Michelle Willson
Editorial Editor

“New Year, New Me” It seems like everyone makes New Year’s Resolutions, but I bet you can name at least five people who have already fallen off the resolution wagon. Business insider stated, “80% of people fail their resolutions by February”.
Why is it so hard to keep a resolution? Are there secrets to keeping them? Well I was thinking about it and I feel most people make their resolution to broad in the sense that they do not give themselves a time limit or set boundaries or even make a plan to achieve their goals.
Psychology today listed a couple ways to stay on track with your resolution. They said you should Focus on one goal, take little steps, Celebrate the little victories along the way and do not give up if you mess up.
Having one goal helps you keep all your focus on it instead of dividing it between multiple goals. Take time, you do not start running marathons before miles. Start small then slowly go up to your goal.
Celebrate little victories so you do not get discouraged when you hit a rough patch. If you reward yourself every once in a while, you will have more strength to push through and lastly If you mess up jump back on the horse and try again. Just because you messed up a little does not mean you have to give up.
They also state that another way to keep your resolution from failing is to “Get an accountability Buddy” get someone that will help hold you to your resolutions or get someone who will go after the same goal.
I feel that workout buddies are a great way to stay accountable, It helps if you don’t want to go to the gym alone and having someone to talk to and compete against makes the time go by much faster. I use my sisters as a workout buddies and we have all been able keep up with our workouts longer than when we tried by ourselves. If you do not have siblings, try friends most of them would be glad to help you.
If you missed the ball on your 2018 New Year’s Resolution, you do not have to worry. You do not have to wait until next year to make a resolution for yourself you just have to have to set a date, stick to it and follow through.
The Bulletin board on the third floor in south hall has some ideas for you: Eat Healthy, Go to class, Study, and manage your time wisely.
Pick a resolution that speaks to you so you will be more likely to keep it up. If it helps place reminders around your room. If your resolution is to eat healthier place a sticky note on your fridge that says “This year I will eat healthier” so you will have a constant reminder.
I apply the S.M.A.R.T. method to my goals. The same one you learn in Wellness Concepts and Personal Finance. Make your goal Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.
Instead of saying “I am going to save money for my trip”, say something like “I am going to take $30 out of my paycheck every week to save for my trip.” It gives you a direct plan that you will most likely be able to stick with.
Therefore, whether your goal is to eat better, work out more or even watch more Netflix remember to stick to it. Do not beat yourself up if you hit a plateau and remember that nothing will change overnight