
The student government association has elected two of four new SGA officers.

Including freshman Brayden Stoner as president. Stoner is from Arkansas City, Kansas and is a secondary education major with a minor in biology.

“My primary goal as an officer next year is to get new water fountains for the halls here on campus, and to support students going to NWOSU,” Stoner said.

SGA also elected a new secretary, junior America Rios. Rios is a junior accounting major who is originally from Chihuahua, Mexico but she was raised in Alva.

Rios applied to be an officer because it presents a valuable leadership opportunity and has many goals for next year.

“My main goal is to serve as a voice for the students and advocate for their needs,” Rios said.

“Additionally, I am eager to organize various events that will enhance the college experience for students.”

While the president and secretary positions were ran unopposed there will be voting happening April 8 and 9 for the vice president position and potentially the treasurer position.

The treasurer position was reopened April 2 and 3 as some unforseen circumsances occured.
SGA hosted a meet the candidate night yesterday for students to ask the new officers and people running for offices questions.

Two students are running for vice president, one of the students running is Chloe Lehr.

Lehr is a sophomore, early education major from Alva.

Lehr said that being vice president will give her the opportunity to be their for her fellow peers whenever needed.

“It’s the easiest “yes” to give back for all NWOSU has done for me, Lehr said. “I know from my past with SGA that it provides incredible skills that push you to lead, serve and inspire those surrounding you.”

Lehr also said that one of her main goals for this year is bridging the gap between Northwestern and the community of Alva.

Lehr plans on doing this by encouraging students to go to events off campus as well as push for some SGA events to be held off campus. Lehr says this is an issue she believes she can help with since she is from Alva.

“We all deserve and desire community, so there is no excuse to not have one,” Lehr said.

Kevin Kaumans is also running for vice president.

Kaumans is a freshman, English major from Kiowa, Kansas.

Kaumans is running for vice president because he wants to help Northwestern become the best college in Oklahoma.

“My goal is to encourage more students to sign up to be senators for SGA,” Kaumans said.

President Brayden Stoner
Vice President candidate Kevin Kaumans
Vice President candidate Chloe Lehr
Secretary America Rios