By HAYLEE BATES, Columnist

College can be a confusing time with classes, clubs and organizations, homework and trying to have a social life; it can be even more confusing when you try to add relationships into the mix.

In high school I read a book called “And the Bride Wore White.” In this book, Dannah Gresh asks the reader to create a list of qualities they want their future husband to have. I created a list after reading the book, and I have changed and updated it many times since.

Here are some of the things that I think are really important to look for when looking for a future spouse. I’ve learned that it’s okay to have high expectations and standards; the right guy will live up to those standards.

Find the person that..

  1. Loves God more than he will ever love you.

It is important to find a guy that puts God before anyone else. If he doesn’t love God and follow Him faithfully, then he will not be able to love you the way a husband should. We all have to know and love God first because God is love (refer to 1 John 4:8).

  1. Doesn’t make you feel like a burden.

A relationship shouldn’t be arguing and fighting all the time. You need to find someone that you work well with and that doesn’t make you feel like a bother or a nuisance.

  1. Wants to make a difference.

So many guys in college think that partying and being able to talk to every girl on campus is attractive. Well, in my eyes it’s not. If a guy wants to impress me, I want to know how they are impacting their friends and witnessing to others.

  1. Makes you laugh.

In my mind, the right guy will be someone that can make me laugh. When I’m having a bad day and things just don’t seem to be going right, I want to be able to count on him to make me laugh or smile.

  1. Has similar interests.

For me, I like to get out and do things, or go on adventures as I like to call them. I like to do things outside, and I like being active. Don’t get me wrong, going to the movies is okay every now and then, but I would much rather be outside going on “adventures.”