By CAITLIN HOFEN, Student Reporter

There’s a certain buzz in the air. We’ve had a taste of summer, and the snow cones are practically making themselves.

There’s only one thing standing between us and summer break: finals week.

Finals week is a stressful time in college students’ lives, filled with all-nighters and copious amounts of caffeine.

Knowledge is crammed into brains, and silent prayers and pleads are uttered as tests are taken and grades are posted.

Take this last obstacle of finals week and hit it head-on. Check your grades and print out that study guide.

Down your coffee, stir your Ramen Noodles and start that essay early so it’s off your mind later.

Professors want to help students pass their classes and will usually answer any question regarding the material.

You’ve survived the semester this far. Don’t give up yet.

Finish strong and know that you gave it your all. After this stressful semester, do this for yourself.

We’ve survived a pandemic covered by masks and doused in hand sanitizer. Do your best to pass your finals and move on to summer break.

This past quarantined summer felt uneventful to many and heartbreaking to others. Make this next summer one to remember.

Go on that road trip. Apply for that internship. Make some memories to carry you through the next school year.

Regardless of whether you make the choice to become vaccinated or not, I think we can all agree that caution must be exercised, and good decisions need to be made.

But don’t let fear stop you from making memories you’ll have forever.

Whether you’re working full-time or still taking some classes this summer, say “yes” to that barbecue invite or take an evening to play with your dog.

You’re not going to remember hours spent behind a desk or on your feet mopping floors.

The projects and overtime will be there tomorrow, too.

What you will remember is coaching your little brother’s baseball team to the little league playoffs or the Saturday spent playing “mermaids” with your little cousins.

Go home to your families and take a moment to appreciate the time you can spend with them.

You’re growing up away from home, and sometimes that can be hard to accept for some families.

So, take the chance to sit and talk with your grandma over lunch, or go play catch with your little sister.

They miss you more than you realize, and this time during summer is your chance to enjoy life a little more with them.

Summer is a time to re-prioritize your life.

If you want to sleep for a week after finals, I don’t blame you one bit. If a job is calling your name, work your hardest to be comfortable next semester.

Just remember, take some time for yourself. Start a new hobby or open a good book.

The impact of the pandemic has hit college students particularly hard, so take back the summer that was taken from us.

Summer is right around the corner, so make it one worth remembering.