By JACOB COMP, student reporter

The embers flew straight to the sky. The wood popped and cracked as the fire grew in size.

The stay at home order issued by Texas Gov. Greg Abbot caused many Texans to run out of things to do. This led some to do anything just to get out of the house, like start the fire pit.

Husband and wife sat side by side while the wood burned away faster than the things to do.

The half-moon was accompanied by the millions of stars in lighting up the cloudless sky.

“Toes,” by Zac Brown Band could be faintly heard across the cow pasture from the neighbors next door.

He got up and stirred the fire, provoking it to burn hotter.

He sat down, leaving the metal rod to heat up and turn orange like the sunset they had seen hours before.

After a few minutes she could see the look in his eyes.

“It’s not gonna bend,” she said as she laughed.

“Watch me,” he quickly responded.

“Touch it,” she urged.

“No.” he said

He quickly pulled the rod from the fire, bent it and slammed it into the ground.

“Now it’s burning the earth,” he declared.

The silence returned, and only the cracking of the fire could be heard.

She opened her phone and got on Facebook, which she frequents more now since being home in lock down. The southern twang of a familiar voice rang out. Country singer Dolly Parton was sharing a corona virus poem.

 “This too shall pass as all things will,” Dolly says. “If the virus don’t kill us, the stay at home will.”

The fire burned out, but the desire to go back to life as they knew it still remained a top priority. Side by side, the two walked into the house, back to their lives of staring at a TV screen, watching the news, thinking of what they can do tomorrow.

This is their new reality.

Dolly Parton’s Corona Virus Poem:

This too shall pass

As all things will

If the virus don’t kill us

The staying home will

The kids are bored and restless

They scream and yell and squawk

And the teens and tweens

They’re just plain mean

They bite your bleeping head off

And all those loving couples

That were once so sweet and cozy

Now they fight like cats and dogs

Like Donald and Pelosi

Lord, get us back to school

And get us back to work

And get us out of this dadgum house

Before someone gets hurt

And Lord, please find a vaccination

In the form of a shot or a pill

Because if the virus don’t kill us

The staying home will

Dolly Parton