
Sexual Assault is a topic people avoid and don’t like to think or talk about. We as a society don’t like to hear or imagine us as people doing something like sexual assault to someone else. But honestly it happens more than you think, and it should be talked about more than it is. I believe that people should be well aware of what exactly Sexual Assault is. Sexual Assault is sexual touching or harassment of any sexual kind, without the consent of the recipient.
A study by shows that “11.2% of ALL students experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation. Among undergraduate students, 23.1% of females and 5.4% of males experience rape or sexual assault. Students or not, college-aged adults are at high risk for sexual violence.” I know you read this and think these numbers aren’t high, but they aren’t low either. Honestly, there really shouldn’t be a number. But there is, and that is a problem.
Northwestern Oklahoma State University is a very family oriented and protective University to say the least. These professors and faculty on this campus, care about their students and their safety and well-being. They have a program called “1is2many”. I know you have seen it on campus, whether that was in your Ranger Connection class, in the Fine Arts building or in the Student Center on the T.V. Anyway, “1is2many” is to help get their students the needs they need to move past the assault and violation. In the “1is2many” pamphlet, it states “Northwestern Oklahoma State University is committed to addressing sexual misconduct and does not condone any form of sexual misconduct whether physical, mental, verbal, or emotional in nature. NWOSU believes that 1 victim is 2 many.” I couldn’t agree more to this statement. Northwestern has resources to help you. Probably one of the hardest parts in all of this is telling someone, because you’re embarrassed and you’re scared of what others might say. But I promise you, it is the best thing you can do. Northwestern has the resources, don’t be afraid to use them.
I would like to tell you that if you have been sexually assaulted, I promise you are not alone. And in no way is any of this your fault. You probably feel guilty, but this again is not your fault. You may feel shock or “numbness”, the feeling of confusion, being easily overwhelmed, and not really knowing how to feel or what to do is not uncommon. You feel like your whole life is out of your control, but I promise you it is not.
You may feel like you need to isolate yourself, but YOU ARE NOT ALONE, talking to someone about it is a step to recovery and the biggest thing you might be feeling is fear. You knowledge of trusting someone you thought you could trust has been shaken. Recovering from all of this takes time but I promise it doesn’t last forever.
This doesn’t have to define you or become something you let control you. Do not let someone else’s actions ruin your life.
People deal with these situations differently than others. Some people, it helps talking about it, others running helps release that emotion that you’re feeling. Others music is an escape.
However, holding it in and shutting others out will only make things worse. Counseling is a good idea as well. People in this community want to help, people on this campus want to help.
Please don’t you ever feel like you are alone in any of this, because you really are not, and you never will be.