What’s Up?

Oct 29, 2015


Thank-A-Thon continues in the Ranger Room of the Student Center, 5-8 p.m. Take some time to thank donors who help make your education possible.
Donor Appreciation Dinner, 6-8 p.m., Student Center Ballroom.
Haunted Hall, 8-midnight, basement of Vinson Hall. $5 admission, $4 with food donation.


Thank-A-Thon continues in Ranger Room of the Student Center, 5-8 p.m.
Haunted Hall, 8-midnight, basement of Vinson Hall. $5 admission, $4 with food donation.


Haunted Hall, 8-midnight, basement of Vinson Hall. $5 admission, $4 with food donation..
Watch for trick-or-treaters as you travel around Alva. Be safe!


Before you go to bed Saturday night,
remember to turn clocks back one hour.Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday!


 National Author’s Day: The Department of Commerce first recognized this day in 1949 though the General Federation of Women’s Clubs suggested the day about 20 years earlier. To celebrate, you could write your favorite authors a note to thank them for what their work has meant to you.

Family Literacy Day kicks off National Literacy Month. The day was first celebrated in 1994. Many libraries and schools throughout the country will be celebrating throughout the month. It might be a good day to visit Northwestern’s library to practice your literacy skills with a good book or two.