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If any of you are like me, you have some people in your life that are very opinionated. Sometimes it can be a good thing, and other times it makes you want to pull your hair out! Usually, the people that expect you to tell them why you are doing something is your family or closest friends. However, I’ll tell you some things that you shouldn’t feel like you owe an explanation for.

Your appearance

If you want to dress like a diva, then do it! Or if you want to dress like a complete slob, do that too. It’s your body, wear what you want!

Where you choose to live

Being young and getting your first place is already enough pressure, even if you’re older and are moving, no one can tell you where to live. If you want to pack and move four states away so be it, if you’re happy everyone else should be happy for you.

Your education

If you are one of those people who wants to end their education after high school, great! Don’t let people try to make you feel inferior to them because they went to college. If you’re going to college and maybe you aren’t going to the school of everyone else’s choice, well you’re going to the school of your choice! So who cares!

Your relationships

This goes with both friends and significant others. Mostly the people that think you owe an explanation on this one is family, but if you like them shouldn’t they be happy for you? You like who you like and you’re friends with who you want to be friends with! So if you think that person is cool, go say hi, start making that friendship. And if you like that boy or girl, go for it! You live and learn by taking chances!

Life choices

When you make a big decision about something in your life, you’re probably going to ask for some input from others just to get a different point of view. When it comes to what you decided, you don’t have to tell anyone why you did what you did. It came down to it and you did what you wanted and thought what was best for you.

Your “me” time

If you’re anything like me, you like to have some time to yourself. Some days it can be just 5 minutes, other days it’s 5 hours! Time by yourself is so relaxing after a long day of being around people constantly. If you want to go sit in silence, you shouldn’t have to explain why to anyone, just do it!

Your faith in God

This one you don’t owe anyone an explanation for. Your beliefs are your beliefs and you can stand by them. People today are very judgmental and sometimes make you feel like you have to explain yourself, you don’t have to. It may seem hard to not defend yourself, but you don’t need to.

Sometimes people try to make you feel like you need to give an explanation, but truthfully you don’t owe anyone an explanation for most of the things you do. Live your life and learn from mistakes, that’s what we’re supposed to do.