
NewMovieReviewThis week we watched “Bridge of Spies”. But you didn’t hear it from us…

Chris: 3.5 out of 5

So we went undercover for this one. You probably didn’t even see me there, but I enjoyed watching this film from my hiding spot. So let’s dive right in.

Tom Hanks gives us a great performance in this film in what I believe will be a run for best actor in a leading role. I’ve never seen a Tom Hanks movie that I did not like. He carries the film from start to finish. The supporting cast was also good, but they are not in the leading role for a reason.

The plot line of the movie is exciting and suspenseful, as a spy related movie should be. I don’t want to throw out any spoilers, but it’s not like other spy movies you’ve seen.

Here comes the part that I don’t like. This movie is being used to gain public moral for our ongoing foreign affairs.

I don’t mind rallying behind a cause for America but not in media and entertainment. I go to movies to be entertained. Sometimes that entertainment is thought provoking, but I don’t want my thoughts to be led in the filmmaker’s direction. I want to get there on my own.

And just to be clear, I don’t mind the message. But let me come up with my own conclusion, even if it’s not the same as yours.

Bottom line: It’s a great movie if you can turn your mind off to underlying tones. It’s a great performance by great actors and a great storyline. Just focus on that and you’ll be very happy.


Natalie: 4 Stars

If you’re a fan of Spielberg films and a fan of the magic of Tom Hanks, look no further for entertainment than “Bridge of Spies.” This film seamlessly bridges the gap between historical fiction and the world of modern entertainment.

This film is powerful. To its core, it is packed with emotion, heart and courage. Surrounding the true story of espionage during the Cold War era, “Bridge of Spies” manages to tell a historical tale through the lens of an action-packed thriller. The film stays true to the style of the time period and maintains its thrilling, albeit traumatic, events.  It’s a highly authentic re-creation of the time period, without being too forced.

“Bridge of Spies” pushes a moral and intellectual message, without being overly overt. It affirms and supports traditional American values, all while encouraging natural human decency. It is a message that rings especially true in the light of recent international events.

Tom Hanks, yet again, does not disappoint. From the lovable toy cowboy in “Toy Story,” to the sentimental Forest Gump and to this current role as James Donovan, Hanks molds into his character effortlessly. He manages to entrance the audience, and I found myself sympathizing with him throughout the film.

Bottom Line: This is a gripping film, sure to entice audiences, particularly if you’ve a soft spot for a great quality historical film.