Editor in Chief

Have you noticed anything different with the Northwestern News? Maybe something with the layout and design of not just the printed paper, but with our website as well? What about with the type of content filling the pages, or even with whose writing content for that matter?

Hopefully, some of you said yes to at least one of those questions because this summer our editorial staff has been hard at work developing a new look for the Northwestern News, and after numerous hours of planning, we finally were able to come up with something we all liked on both the printed paper and our online website.

Before I go into what each of those changes are though, I am going to introduce the Northwestern News team for this fall.

I, Nick Villalobos, will be serving as the editor in chief this semester. It will be my second full semester in the position and I really look forward to seeing how this semester goes for us as a team. I am a senior, mass communication major/minor.

Next, our news editor for this semester will be Haylee Bates. She is a senior mass communication major/minor too.

Our feature editor is Savannah Tillman, senior mass communication major/minor.

Our sports editors for this fall are Katie Lackey and Sami McGuire, junior mass communication major/minors.

Our assistant editor is Chris Agbola. He is a senior [MAJOR AND MINOR], and he will be assisting Bates and Tillman throughout the entirety of this semester.

Our photo editor is Katelynn (Kat) Ball, a senior mass communication major/minor. This will be her final semester with the team, as she is set to graduate in December with a Bachelor of Arts from Northwestern.

Our circulation and ad manager for this semester is Jordan McLemore. She previously served as the news editor for the Northwestern News. McLemore is a senior mass communication major/minor and, like Ball, she too will be graduating in December as well.

Our [OFFICIAL TITLE] is Rachel Emerson, mass communication major/ business minor. Emerson will also be heading up the entertainment section and the buzz section as well.

Finally, our online manager for this fall is Bruno Miguel. He is a senior computer science major[INSERT MINOR]. Miguel [INSERT HIS EXPECTATIONS FOR THE WEBSITE THIS SEMESTER].

Now that the team has been introduced, it’s time to look at the new changes took place to the Northwestern News’s layout, design and content.

Layout and design wise, we decided to change the look of front page as well as the inner sections. We added a new double sidebar look to the front page, with two news stories in the middle of each. This is actually a more standard and modern look for newspapers from around the state.

The sidebar look is also continued throughout the inner pages as well, with the incorporation of weekly calendars and various story jumps.

Content wise, the Northwestern News will include a few new sections and also new story forms. The new story forms include the five questions sidebar, Q&A’s with various individuals and in-depth articles on various issues.

The new sections the staff has added to the Northwestern News include Your Voice and The Buzz. We will also add a state and national news section as well in the coming weeks.

The hope for this new look is to give the readers something fun to view, and get involved with each week. We as a staff would also like to bring home some more awards for the Northwestern News next spring too.