By Kolton Fishback, Student Reporter

Morgan La Neve
Health and sports science
“since the pandemic things have changed drastically. I went back home to las vegas and started online schooling and I’m not a fan of it! online is tough especially when you have anatomy as one of your classes! one good thing is that my coaches have been helping me to keep up with my online classes so that I don’t slack off.”

Rayne Wherritt
Pre physical therapy
“Through the transition to online classes I have struggled to stay motivated in my classes, however, I found that I need to keep my mind on one thing at a time. I plan my week in my calendar but then only worry about Monday’s assignments on Monday. I can’t wait to be back in school, but for the time being I am learning how to self motivate and keep a schedule.”

Camille Lear
“After the transition to online classes, I noticed that at first it was harder to stay motivated with classwork but now I have found my online class rhythm. I miss everybody and wish I was still in class to see my friends and professors face to face, but at least we have Zoom to help with that. Overall I think that online class is nothing more than just a minor inconvenience and I am still learning what I need to know.”

Easton Maxwell
Health and sports science
“So I have tried to do class and homework in the mornings and then work in the afternoons and That’s been ok but I’d much rather be back in the classroom than online it’s harder then it used, to be honest.”

David Clemente
Health and sports science
”What I’ve been doing in order to adapt to online classes are set reminders for myself daily. Such as when certain assignments are due and what days I have tests. Furthermore, transitioning to online classes was pretty challenging at first but I’m definitely adapting to this challenge. Which has truly made my self-management skills better as well as the discipline towards my classes. However, I will always personally enjoy going to class physically than having all my class online.”