Staff Writer

1. If you’re always turning up (partying), your grades would turn down.

Eventually, senior year of high school gradually transitions from being monitored to freedom. High school seniors at this point of their lives begin imagining the wildest adventures to undertake when they finally get to college. Mum won’t be around to always monitor me or my teachers with all their rules. When students begin their freshman year of college, they try to have as much fun as they could and dare things they have no idea of, just for the feeling of being in college. I’m not saying be a boring, loner nerd who would be characterized with a hunchback because of the numerous books you carry around from your dorm to class and library. Have fun, but not at the expense of your studies. College isn’t high school. Different professors require different things for their classes. Inasmuch as you’re up to date with the next party date and venue, try to be keep track of that psychology assignment’s due date. Don’t expect an A in the class if you don’t do assignments or show up for lectures.

2. If you hate a professor, your final grade in his or her class might hate you as well.

It’s an illusion to say I hate professor A or B, but I think I’d so well in his or her class. Few students could be an exception, however. College is for studies and building yourself for your career. Should you enroll for a class, be open-minded when you go for that first lecture. Free your mind of any personal stereotypes, expectations and interests. The professor does not have to teach like your high school math teacher or sound like your dad. Accept them for their uniqueness and cope with their rules till the end of the semester. That would not change who you are or what you like. Rather, it puts you in the right state of mind for studies in that class. Should you dislike the professor, you won’t study for the class as much. Your chances of getting that A in the class would be reduced as well.

3. If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go in numbers.

College is an opportunity to build leverage and networks for the future. Meet new people from different places. Share ideas, appreciate others’ cultures and gain connections. Don’t be that boring loner who stays friends with only those you came from your high school with. The dad of the guy or girl who annoys you might be your boss in the company for which you’d work. Desist from looking down on others based on what you see outwardly. Everyone you ever meet knows something you do not know. So talk to others, and that would be the way to that dream job. It would only begin with a summer internship and before you know it, you’ve secured your dream job.

4. If you aren’t aware, someone is admiring you from afar.

What makes the college life a memory of a lifetime is that it’s an epitome of youthful exuberance. A bunch of millennials pursuing the same vision of developing themselves. The drama accompanying this cannot be overemphasized. At this level of life, everything about us is to the extreme. Extreme hormonal levels, which induce attractions, crushes, butterflies in the tummy and all that. The testosterone and estrogen levels are hyper and receptive as much as they could ever be. So you have no idea what that smile of yours would do. Be friendly as well. Do the simple things, such as opening the door for someone or saying thank you if someone opens the door for you. You don’t have an idea of whose attention you’re drawing and how far that friendship could go. Being amiable works like a magnet.