Student Writer

Maze 2 col by 3 in-courtesy MenagerieHalloween is almost here! Here are five things you can do for the occasion.

  1. Visit the hay bale maze at the Menagerie. It hosts the “largest hay bale maze in the state!” You can do this during regularly scheduled petting zoo time as an add-on for an additional four dollars. The petting zoo’s hours are Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or Sunday’s 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. There is a flashlight variation that you can do from 7 to 11 p.m. Thursday-Saturday. Price of admission is six dollars per person.
  2. Get spooked at the on-campus haunted house! The haunted house will run from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Thursday through Saturday. Located at the basement of Vinson Hall.
  3. Throw a costume party and have a contest with different categories and prizes. A masquerade ball/murder mystery, however you can get it done.
  4. Spend time with family and revisit old traditions you may have. If you don’t have a tradition, maybe try to start one with your friends or family. If you intend to start one, it doesn’t have to be a huge event or party. It could be something as simple as watching scary movies with your family or investigating scary stuff with friends.
  5. Watch a scary movie! There’s something about Halloween that makes a scary movie that much scarier. It’s the atmosphere, the feeling that for this one night a monster might actually become real. Here are seven movies to give you the creeps this Halloween. Even better, all can be found on Netflix! (Not recommended you watch these with parents.)

– “Day of the Dead” – Turning back time with good ol’ fashioned flesh devouring. A walking sandwich is not a fun thing to be in a hungry mob.

– “The ABC’s of Death 1&2” – These don’t necessarily fall under scary as much as deeply disturbing. Some are well done independent shorts and others are done for laughs but all will make you feel a little gross.

– “The Babadook” – That thing in your closet has come to life in the form of, The BABADOOK! When you finish watching, avoid dark places and the basement.

– “Cropsey” – An urban legend… or is it? A documentary that delves into real murders possibly connected to an urban legend.

– “Dead Silence” – That creepy doll your grandparents have? Imagine that times 50.

– “A Nightmare on Elm Street” – You can’t even go to sleep to reassure yourself after a movie like this.

– “Would You Rather” – Forced to play a game of would you rather, and you have to actually do it. How would you fare?